Howl’s Moving Castle

In celebration for finally getting my hands on the book, I’m going to review Studio Ghibli’s Howl’s Moving Castle

Howl’s Moving Castle is LOOSELY based on a novel of the same name by Diana Wynne Jones. The characters are roughly the same as those in the book, but there are some serious discrepancies in the story-line.

I don’t think it’s bad though. Continue reading “Howl’s Moving Castle”

Saint Seiya: Soul of Gold

Ah, the (arguably) most infamous Saint Seiya spin-off ever…

Let me introduce you to Soul of Gold.

I watched Soul of Gold through in one sitting, because it was July of 2017 and I had a horrible cold. Since I wasn’t going anywhere I picked a new show at random and began to watch.

Soul of Gold is about the twelve gold saints of Athena who have been resurrected in Asgard by the will of  Odin to save the country from destruction caused by the malicious tree Yggdrasil.

Make sense?

It didn’t to me either.

But with the power of cold medicine and the fact that I didn’t want to get up, I ignored the strange synopsis and pressed on despite all warning signs.

Continue reading “Saint Seiya: Soul of Gold”