Brand New Animal

Brand New Animal, or BNA, is a brand spanking new anime fresh off the table of Studio Trigger in collaboration with Netflix. It premiered on April 8 of 2020 and holds a lot of promise.


BNA is a fantasy anime about a world in which humans have segregated a group known as “beastmen” in their own personal zone called Animacity. Beastmen can (as the name suggests) transform into anthropomorphic animals and are in great danger from many anti-beastmen groups that wish them harm.

Beastmen and Humans are not interchangeable. They are almost two completely different species, and have lived apart from each other for as long as possible. Due to the growth of humanity, and the removal of beastmen habitat, they have been forced to reveal themselves. Tensions run incredibly high and life is very dangerous for the beastmen, who have to rely on a few (shifty) human politicians to get what they need.

Which is where the anime begins. Continue reading “Brand New Animal”