Revolutionary Girl Utena: Shoujo Kakumei Utena

Please note that this is a discussion on the anime and the Manga.

Revolutionary Girl Utena was published in 1997 by mangaka Chiho Saito and the creative team of Be Papas. It was the last of the Magical Girl era and signaled a change in the anime/manga industry.

I decided to look into Utena because I had heard that it was different and I needed a distraction from some serious college-induced stress. Continue reading “Revolutionary Girl Utena: Shoujo Kakumei Utena”

Cardcaptor Sakura

Here we go! Back to the land of classic anime!

Cardcaptor Sakura is just about as classic as it gets. It is a shojo manga series by CLAMP (the same studio that made Code Geass) that began in May 1996. The series is magical girl at its best, receiving multiple awards and high ratings from critics, it set the standard for many later magical girl titles.


Cardcaptor is one of those titles that people have often seen art for WAAAAY before they know what it is. There is a bucket-load of art flying around the internet with no names to the designs, so most people have seen something to do with it before they hear the name “Cardcaptor Sakura”. Continue reading “Cardcaptor Sakura”

Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon is a classic anime/manga series by Naoko Takeuchi. The first manga was published in 1991, and the first anime episode was released in 1992.

This Sailor Moon review is for the original anime/manga…essentially the only thing I’m not covering is Sailor Moon: Crystal. Also I will be using the Japanese character names instead of the English versions.


Sailor Moon was my first introduction to anime. I watched it when I was three and begged my mom to make me Sailor Moon footie pajamas (which she did). I have every doll they made except for Neptune and Tuxedo Mask, and had the entire Death Buster Arc on VHS.

Making this review impartial was difficult, but I’ve done my best. Continue reading “Sailor Moon”